Sunday, June 10, 2012

Harry Potter 8: The Tale of Dobby

After a hiatus of months, I have finally decided it is time to climb back on the wagon, ford the oxen, pack some extra axles, and take some vaccines for cholera...yes, that is correct, the blog is back on the trail, the Oregon Trail.

So sadly Alaska ended, but I'm happily back to the routine of Oregon (which is similar to Alaska but less bears). However, I luckily have some friends who say routine? Never. Who are those chumps? Kristin Allen and Nikita Patel. These two lovely drunks, ahhh ladies, hail from my Marquette days. Forever coined as my old roomies, they decided to make the trek out the Pacific Northwest to play with me for a weekend. And what a whirlwind of a weekend it was. 

So the amazing aforementioned girls flew into Seattle, where I met them on Friday. The plan was this...Friday - Seattle; Saturday - Eugene; Sunday - Portland. Sounds like a lot? Oh it was. Here is a map...

The red line signifies the journey completed in 55 hours. (Rupert is a trooper.)
Anyway, enough of the background is where the story begins. While in Seattle for a hot 24 hours, the three of us became four. Yes, we befriended Dobby (and he became our friend for only 20 bucks - score!).  Therefore, here begins the adventures of Dobby, Hermione, Ginny, and Parvati Patil (you can guess who the characters are).

Just after adoption...he was still learning to walk and stand on his own.

Upon standing, he realized his height might be an issue...

Yeah...big issue.
But honestly would height bother Dobby? I mean he can do magic! We all tried to tell Dobby that he was destined for great things! But maybe got a little overzealous...he was a little upset during certain points in Book 7.

We tried to comfort him, but it wasn't enough...he had to seek outside help. 

Well things didn't change so it was time to make sure Dobby had the most amazing time! 
So we took him to the streets...

He made friends...

Placed some gum on the gum wall...he was scared he would get stuck to it but we assured him (as did the Harry Potter books and fortune teller) that that isn't the way he goes. 

Then he saw the waves...

And wanted to ride the ferry. Dobby the seaman? Absolutely. Here it should be noted that while waiting in line to board the ferry, a group of 14 year olds started squealing and yelling "Dobby! Dobby! Dobby!" We informed these eager tweens that they could take a picture with him for 5 bucks a pop. No takers, but still his ego was boosted. 

While rocking the ferry (pun intended), Dobby popped multiple cherries.
Like playing cards!
And using the restroom!

Watching the hand washing routine...

Then, he started getting time. Dobby - the lady killer

But before the alcohol started flowing it was time for some grub...

And booze.

Sadly, Dobby didn't listen to our words of advice. Food first, then booze! So the newbie to the alcohol world went a bit overboard. 

And then things became blurry to Dobby...
So clearly he decided a dress up party was appropriate.

Things got a little out of hand...

He liked the way the boa felt on his pillow case...

Well after his long day of drinking and cross dressing, Dobby passed out for the night only to wake up in Eugene (not against his will I swear)...

with the party commencing again. Yet Dobby was pretty excited because our party of 4 became 5! Yes, I know I was surprised too that Bellatrix Lestrange joined. But hey just drop it like it's hot!  

He witnessed (and forgot so don't ask him about it, he will never admit to the events of that match) the epic and unspeakable defeat of a mighty croquet Dobby said "every dog has its day." It will never, never happen again. 

He played a bit himself too!

And then put on his best party mask and decided to jump back on the party wagon!

Well all in all Dobby had a most wonderful time...He made a plethora of friends! I would like to believe his fame was not a factor of friendship and his acceptance was all due to his personality. I mean I am sure he was judged briefly for the pillow case but it really is showing off his figure. Anyway at the end of the night, I think his approval was displayed. He was just one of the guys hanging out on the the middle of the backyard. Badass? Absolutely. 

A large thank you to Nikita Patel and Kristin Notaro for coming and visiting (and going along with the shenanigans of Dobby). You made my weekend one of the best here!! Love you guys! Also a thank you to Hannah Brasch for always bringing a good time...